How Do Dogs Know How to Open Doors?


Have you ever come home to find your dog waiting for you on the other side of a door that you know you closed before leaving? Or have you seen a video of a dog opening a door all by itself? It’s not uncommon for dogs to figure out how to open doors, but how do they do it?

Dogs are intelligent animals that are capable of learning and problem-solving. They have an incredible sense of smell and hearing, but their paws are not designed to manipulate objects like human hands. So how do they manage to open doors? It turns out that dogs use a combination of observation, trial and error, and persistence to figure out how to open doors.

In this article, we’ll explore the various ways that dogs can open doors and the reasons why they might want to. We’ll also delve into the science behind their abilities and what you can do to prevent your furry friend from escaping through doors that they shouldn’t. So, let’s get started and find out how dogs know how to open doors.

Understanding Canine Behavior

Dogs are fascinating creatures with a complex set of behaviors that have evolved over thousands of years. Understanding how dogs think and behave is a crucial aspect of being a responsible dog owner. In this section, we will explore the two main types of canine behavior: instinctual actions and learned behaviors.

Instinctual Actions

Instinctual actions are behaviors that dogs are born with and do not need to be taught. These behaviors are hardwired into a dog’s DNA and have been passed down through generations of breeding. Some examples of instinctual actions include:

  • Chewing: Puppies chew on objects to explore their environment and relieve pain from teething.
  • Barking: Dogs bark to communicate with other dogs and humans.
  • Digging: Dogs dig to create a comfortable sleeping area or to bury food.

Learned Behaviors

Learned behaviors are actions that dogs acquire through training or experience. These behaviors are not innate and must be taught to the dog. Some examples of learned behaviors include:

  • Opening doors: Some dogs learn how to open doors by watching their owners or by accidentally pushing the door open.
  • Fetching: Dogs can be taught to fetch objects and bring them back to their owners.
  • Sitting: Dogs can be trained to sit on command as a sign of obedience.

It is important to note that learned behaviors can also be influenced by a dog’s instincts. For example, a dog that has a strong instinct to hunt may be more likely to chase after a ball when playing fetch.

In conclusion, dogs have a unique set of behaviors that are a combination of instinctual actions and learned behaviors. By understanding these behaviors, you can better communicate with your dog and provide them with the proper training and care they need.

Dog’s Physical Capabilities

Dogs have a remarkable sense of smell, hearing, and vision, which allows them to navigate their environment with ease. They also have an incredible sense of touch, which enables them to feel and manipulate objects with their paws and nose. These physical capabilities help dogs learn how to open doors.

Dogs have strong jaws and teeth that can grip and pull objects. They can use their teeth to grab onto door handles and turn them. Additionally, dogs have strong legs and paws that allow them to push doors open. Some dogs can even jump up and push down on door handles to open doors.

Another physical capability that helps dogs open doors is their ability to use their nose. Dogs have a keen sense of smell, which allows them to detect scents that humans cannot. They can use their nose to locate and push open doors that have a lever or button.

Furthermore, dogs are incredibly intelligent and can learn from their environment. They observe how their owners open doors and can mimic their actions. They can also use trial and error to figure out how to open doors on their own.

In conclusion, dogs’ physical capabilities, such as their strong jaws and teeth, powerful legs and paws, keen sense of smell, and intelligence, enable them to learn how to open doors.

Dog’s Perception of Doors

Dogs are intelligent animals that have developed a remarkable ability to understand and interact with their environment. One of the most impressive skills that dogs possess is their ability to open doors. In this section, we will explore how dogs perceive doors and how they are able to manipulate them to gain access to different areas.

Visual Perception

Dogs have a keen sense of visual perception, which allows them to detect and recognize different objects in their environment. When it comes to doors, dogs are able to recognize them based on their shape, size, and color. They can also differentiate between different types of doors, such as sliding doors, hinged doors, and revolving doors.

In addition to recognizing doors visually, dogs are also able to perceive the movement of doors. They can detect when a door is opening or closing, and they can anticipate the direction in which it will move. This ability is particularly useful when a dog is trying to push a door open or pull it closed.

Tactile Perception

Dogs also have a highly developed sense of touch, which allows them to perceive the texture, shape, and temperature of objects in their environment. When it comes to doors, dogs are able to feel the texture of the door handle or knob, which gives them a sense of how to manipulate it.

Dogs are also able to use their sense of touch to detect vibrations or movements in the door, which can help them anticipate when it will open or close. This ability is particularly useful when a dog is trying to push a door open or pull it closed.

In conclusion, dogs have a remarkable ability to perceive and interact with doors. Their visual and tactile perception allows them to recognize doors, anticipate their movements, and manipulate them to gain access to different areas.

Training Dogs to Open Doors

Teaching your dog to open doors can be a useful skill, especially if you have a service dog or a dog that assists you with tasks around the house. With patience and consistency, you can train your dog to open doors on command. Here’s how:

Step-by-Step Process

  1. Start by teaching your dog to touch the door handle with his nose. Hold a treat in your hand and place it on the door handle. When your dog touches the handle with his nose, reward him with the treat and praise him.
  2. Once your dog is comfortable touching the door handle with his nose, start teaching him to turn the handle. Hold a treat in your hand and place it on the door handle. When your dog touches the handle with his nose, give the command “turn” and help him turn the handle. Reward him with the treat and praise him.
  3. Repeat step 2 until your dog is comfortable turning the handle on his own. Gradually increase the difficulty by using doors with different types of handles and knobs.
  4. Once your dog can turn the handle on his own, teach him to push the door open. Hold a treat on the other side of the door and give the command “push”. When your dog pushes the door open, reward him with the treat and praise him.
  5. Repeat step 4 until your dog is comfortable pushing the door open on his own. Gradually increase the difficulty by using doors that are heavier or have different types of latches.
  6. Finally, teach your dog to close the door behind him. Hold a treat on the other side of the door and give the command “close”. When your dog pushes the door closed, reward him with the treat and praise him.


When training your dog to open doors, it’s important to take precautions to ensure his safety and the safety of others. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Always supervise your dog when he’s opening doors to make sure he doesn’t get hurt or cause damage.
  • Use doors that are safe for your dog to open. Avoid doors with sharp edges or heavy weights.
  • Make sure your dog is physically capable of opening doors. If your dog is too small or weak to open a certain door, don’t force him to do it.
  • Teach your dog to open doors only on command. Don’t let him open doors on his own, as this can be dangerous.

By following these steps and precautions, you can train your dog to open doors safely and effectively. With practice, your dog will be a pro at opening doors in no time!

Closing Thoughts

In conclusion, dogs are incredibly intelligent animals that are capable of learning a wide range of skills, including how to open doors. While some dogs may be naturally more curious and adventurous than others, most dogs can be trained to open doors with the right approach.

It’s important to note that teaching your dog to open doors can be a time-consuming process that requires patience and consistency. It’s also important to ensure that your dog is safe and secure at all times, especially if they are left unsupervised in a room with a door.

If you’re interested in teaching your dog how to open doors, be sure to start with basic obedience training and work your way up to more advanced techniques. Remember to always reward your dog for their good behavior and never punish them for mistakes.

With the right approach and a little bit of practice, you can teach your dog how to open doors and impress your friends and family with their impressive skills. So why not give it a try and see what your furry friend is capable of?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dogs be trained to open doors?

Yes, dogs can be trained to open doors with proper training and positive reinforcement. However, it is important to note that not all dogs may have the physical ability or desire to learn this skill.

Why do some dogs open doors and others don’t?

There are several factors that can influence whether or not a dog will open doors. These include breed, size, intelligence, and motivation. Some dogs may also have learned the behavior through observation or trial and error.

What are some ways to prevent dogs from opening doors?

There are several ways to prevent dogs from opening doors, including using childproof locks, installing pet gates, or training them to stay in a designated area. It is important to supervise dogs and provide them with plenty of mental and physical stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive behavior.

Do dogs understand the concept of doors?

While dogs may not understand the concept of doors in the same way that humans do, they can learn to associate them with certain actions or outcomes. For example, a dog may learn that pushing a door open leads to access to a room or outside.

Are there any dog breeds that are better at opening doors?

There is no specific breed that is better at opening doors than others. However, certain breeds may be more curious or motivated to explore their environment, which may lead them to try opening doors.

What are some potential dangers of dogs opening doors?

Dogs opening doors can pose several potential dangers, including escape or injury. They may also be at risk of getting into areas that are off-limits or dangerous, such as kitchens or bathrooms. It is important to supervise dogs and provide them with proper training and boundaries to prevent accidents or injuries.