Our Team

Welcome to the “Our Team” page, the hub of all the fantastic individuals who work tirelessly to ensure Know Your Pups is a delightful and helpful resource for all our dog-loving readers.

Our team may be small, but our passion for canines is immeasurable!

Jennifer Walker – Founder & Main Content Creator

Jennifer Walker, the founder of Know Your Pups.

With a never-ending love for all things canine, Jennifer Walker is the heart and soul of Know Your Pups.

Jennifer has turned her passion for dogs into a full-time commitment, dedicating her time to researching, writing, and sharing everything she knows about dogs.

She’s the proud dog mom of multiple fur babies and uses her first-hand experience to enrich the content on Know Your Pups.

Jennifer’s journey began with her first dog, Charlie, a Golden Retriever who inspired her love for dogs and her quest for canine knowledge.

Today, she pours her heart into Know Your Pups, creating a platform where dog lovers can learn, share, and celebrate the joy of dog ownership.

Join Our Team

Do you appreciate what we’re doing here at Know Your Pups and share a similar passion for dogs?

We’re currently a one-woman operation, but we’re always open to grow.

You can email us at info@knowyourpups.com to let us know how you think you would be a good fit for our organization!

Best Wishes,

Jennifer Walker and the Know Your Pups Team