Why Do Dogs Not Like When You Blow on Them?


When you blow on your dog, you may notice that they react in a way that suggests they don’t like it. They may pull away, growl, or even snap at you. This can be confusing and concerning for dog owners, but it’s important to understand why this happens.

One reason why dogs may not like being blown on is that it can be uncomfortable for them. Dogs have very sensitive skin, and blowing on them can cause irritation or tickling sensations that they find unpleasant. Additionally, dogs have a highly developed sense of smell, and blowing on them can disrupt their ability to detect scents in their environment. This can be disorienting and stressful for them.

Another reason why dogs may not like being blown on is that it can be perceived as a threat. Dogs are very attuned to body language and can interpret blowing in their face as an aggressive or dominant gesture. This can trigger their instinct to protect themselves and their territory, leading to defensive behavior. It’s important to approach your dog in a calm and gentle manner to avoid triggering this response.

Understanding Dog Behavior

Dogs are fascinating creatures with unique behaviors that can sometimes be difficult to understand. One behavior that many dog owners have likely observed is their dog’s negative reaction to being blown on. In this section, we will explore the reasons behind this behavior.

Canine Communication

Dogs communicate with each other and with humans through a variety of methods, including body language, vocalizations, and scent. When a dog feels threatened or uncomfortable, they may use these communication methods to express their feelings.

Blowing on a dog can be interpreted as a threatening gesture, as it can mimic the sound of a predator’s growl or hiss. This can cause the dog to feel anxious or afraid, leading to a negative reaction.

Sensory Perception

Dogs have a highly developed sense of smell and hearing, which can make certain stimuli overwhelming or uncomfortable for them. Blowing on a dog can create a sensation of pressure in their ears, which can be uncomfortable or even painful.

Additionally, dogs may perceive the sensation of air blowing on their face as a threat, as it can disrupt their sense of smell and make it difficult for them to detect potential dangers in their environment.

Overall, it is important to be mindful of your dog’s communication and sensory needs when interacting with them. Avoid blowing on your dog, and instead use positive reinforcement and gentle touch to build a strong bond with your furry friend.

Why Blowing Air is Unpleasant for Dogs

Physical Discomfort

When you blow air on a dog, it can cause physical discomfort for them. Dogs have a much more sensitive sense of touch compared to humans. The force and pressure of the air can be overwhelming for them, causing discomfort and even pain.

Additionally, blowing air on a dog can dry out their skin and cause irritation. This is especially true for dogs with short hair or skin conditions. The dry air can strip their skin of natural oils, leading to flakiness, itching, and even infections.

Psychological Discomfort

Blowing air on a dog can also cause psychological discomfort. Dogs rely heavily on their sense of smell, and blowing air on them can disrupt their sense of smell and cause confusion. This can lead to anxiety and fear, especially if they don’t understand what is happening.

Furthermore, dogs may perceive blowing air as a sign of aggression. To a dog, blowing air can mimic the sound of growling or hissing, which are warning signs in the animal kingdom. This can trigger their fight or flight response, leading to fear, stress, and even aggression.

In conclusion, blowing air on a dog can cause physical and psychological discomfort. It’s important to be mindful of your dog’s comfort and avoid blowing air on them. Instead, use gentle petting and positive reinforcement to show your affection.

How Dogs Express Dislike

Body Language

Dogs use their body language to communicate their emotions. When they feel uncomfortable or dislike something, they may exhibit the following behaviors:

  • Turning their head away
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Pulling back their ears
  • Tucking their tail between their legs
  • Licking their lips or nose
  • Raising their hackles (the hair on their back)

These behaviors are signs that your dog is not comfortable with what you are doing, such as blowing on them.


Dogs also use vocalization to express their dislike. They may growl, bark, whine, or yelp to communicate their discomfort. If your dog is growling or barking when you blow on them, it’s a sign that they don’t like it.

It’s important to pay attention to your dog’s body language and vocalization to understand how they are feeling. If they are showing signs of discomfort, it’s best to stop what you are doing and try something else.

In summary, dogs express their dislike through their body language and vocalization. If your dog is exhibiting signs of discomfort when you blow on them, it’s best to stop and find another way to interact with them.

Alternatives to Blowing on Dogs

If you’ve ever blown on your dog and noticed that they didn’t seem to appreciate it, you’re not alone. While some dogs may tolerate or even enjoy being blown on, others may find it uncomfortable or even frightening. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives to blowing on your dog that can help you show them affection and build a strong bond.

Positive Reinforcement

One of the most effective ways to build a positive relationship with your dog is through positive reinforcement. This means rewarding good behavior with treats, toys, and praise, rather than punishing bad behavior. Positive reinforcement can help your dog feel more comfortable around you and build trust, which can make them more receptive to other forms of affection.

Appropriate Petting Techniques

Petting your dog can be a great way to bond with them and show them affection, but it’s important to do it in a way that they enjoy. Some dogs may prefer gentle strokes on their back or belly, while others may enjoy a good scratch behind the ears or under the chin. Pay attention to your dog’s body language to see what they like and what they don’t, and adjust your petting technique accordingly.

Here are some tips for petting your dog in a way that they’ll love:

  • Start with gentle strokes and build up to more intense petting if your dog seems to enjoy it.
  • Avoid petting your dog on sensitive areas like their paws or tail, as this can be uncomfortable.
  • Use a calm, soothing voice when petting your dog to help them feel relaxed and comfortable.
  • Take breaks and give your dog space if they seem to be getting overwhelmed or uncomfortable.

By using positive reinforcement and appropriate petting techniques, you can build a strong, loving bond with your dog without resorting to blowing on them. Remember to always pay attention to your dog’s body language and adjust your behavior accordingly to ensure that they feel safe and comfortable around you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do some dogs dislike when you blow on them?

Dogs have a highly sensitive sense of smell and blowing air in their face can be overwhelming and uncomfortable for them. Additionally, dogs may interpret blowing as an aggressive gesture, which can cause them to feel threatened or anxious.

Is blowing on a dog’s face harmful?

Blowing on a dog’s face is generally not harmful, but it can be uncomfortable and stressful for the dog. It’s important to respect your dog’s boundaries and avoid doing anything that makes them uncomfortable.

Why do dogs prefer not to be on their back?

Dogs are vulnerable when they are on their back, which can make them feel uncomfortable and anxious. Additionally, some dogs may have had negative experiences in the past that make them hesitant to expose their belly.

What does it mean when a dog blows at you?

When a dog blows air out of their nose, it can be a sign of frustration or anxiety. Dogs may also blow air when they are trying to communicate with you or get your attention.

Do dogs enjoy being blown on?

Most dogs do not enjoy being blown on, as it can be overwhelming and uncomfortable for them. However, every dog is different, and some may enjoy the sensation of a light breeze.

Why do dogs hate when you blow in their face but love sticking their heads out the window on a drive?

When dogs stick their head out the window, they are able to control the amount of air they are exposed to and can choose to move away if they become uncomfortable. Blowing air directly in a dog’s face can be overwhelming and uncomfortable, as they have no control over the amount of air they are exposed to.